YouTube Gallery Feature Examples
Check website video gallery examples to reveal the full potential of the widget.
Make sure it will suit your any goals.
Example 1: YouTube channel
Here the feature is used to display the whole video channel from YouTube. It only takes to copy-paste the channel name to show in on the site. All the original attributes of YouTube are here: header with logo, channel picture and name, various counts and search box. This is a good example of how you can promote your YouTube channel through the site with call-to-action buttons for direct sharing and subscribing.
Example 2: YouTube video gallery
With header switched off, you have more place to show content. In this example, the feature only shows a grid of videos, without channel name or picture. Classic layout reveals description and counts of the videos. The content is spread into three columns and two rows with pagination. A smooth way to focus attention on the videos without extra attributes.
Example 3: Playlist with clear navigation
Organizing content into several playlists for your site is no hard work. You can copy-paste the URLs of already existing playlists or create your own groups right in the feature. The menu is here to make navigation between the groups easier for your visitor. The header with channel logo and all counts gives viewers a genuine YouTube experience on the site.
Example 4: Video List
In this case Horizontal layout enables to arrange videos in a list with much space left for description and other details. The go in line with the previews and take a considerable part of the space which helps to focus attention on them. Such kind of organization is useful if you wish not just to demonstrate videos, but make visitors read and better percept the text content.
Example 5: A minimalist video grid
This case shows how you can create a gallery of selected videos and present it on your website in a clean format. The grid only shows preview of each video, without any details and call-to-action buttons, the header is also switched off. Thus you focus viewer's’ attention on the content itself. The number of columns and rows can be changed and you can find the right proportions for your page.
Example 6: A single video
If there’s a need to insert a single video on the site, this example shows how it will look. Just a preview picture, without any additional info. It can be well inserted into a content area, for example to illustrate the text. You can insert multiple single videos throughout the site where you believe necessary.
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